Download Relic: Blade by Ben Zackheim (.ePUB)

Relic: Blade by Ben Zackheim (Kane Arkwright Supernatural Thriller #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 281 KB
Overview: Thousands of vampires just woke up from a 1000-year slumber. Before nap-time they buried their fortunes around the world. Now they want their hidden treasures back. It’s my job to get to the relics first. My partner Rebel and I need to track down and dig up hundreds of ancient items, and fast. They’re worth, well, whatever comes after quadrillions. Most of them also happen to pack nasty supernatural powers. Our latest target is a sword with the power to destroy the world. We just have to get past the grumpy blood suckers, the biting ghost hordes and a particularly nasty wizard. But who am I kidding? Sneaking around won’t work. Not when it comes to vampires. There’s really only one way this can end. On the edge of a blade.
Genre: Fantasy


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