Download Regarding Destiny by Suzanne Halliday (.ePUB)

Regarding Destiny (Nightwind #4) by Suzanne Halliday
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 578 KB
Overview: Meet Destiny Adler, a general’s daughter, an accomplished artist, and a devoted lover of ice cream.

In her college days, Destiny nurtured an intense crush on her bodyguard. Their brief connection, if it could even be called that, spanned just two weeks.
Fast forward a decade, and Destiny is thriving in the vibrant heart of New York City, where her artistic talents bloom. But her life takes a chilling turn when an online predator threatens her safety.
Enter Max Decker, former Marine and current NIGHTWIND operative. His tranquil existence is abruptly rattled by an urgent message bearing the enigmatic line: “Regarding Destiny.”
The spirited college girl he once safeguarded now requires his immediate protection. Despite having hung up his fieldwork hat, Max embraces the mission without hesitation. Safeguarding Destiny remains a calling only he can answer.
Protecting Destiny becomes so much more than a job when real feelings develop.
And when she’s kidnapped, Max stops at nothing to protect the woman he loves.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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