Download Red Sky Dawning by Ian J. Malone (.ePUB)

Red Sky Dawning by Ian J. Malone (The Mako Saga #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 435 KB
Overview: Five years after the historic Battle of Dulaston, Lee Summerston and the Renegades have settled nicely into life on Aura—and none more so than Danny Tucker. Fueled by a rising career as an ASC staff sergeant and a love unlike any he’s ever known, Danny is in the prime of his life and is at last free from the demons that have stalked him for years.

Some demons never die, though, and when an old enemy comes to settle a personal score, Danny soon finds himself—and the woman of his dreams—swept up in the backlash of a climaxing civil war and straight into the crosshairs of a father’s bloodlust for revenge.

The clock on the war is ticking, only now there’s more at stake than anyone can possibly know as an enemy from the past may tilt the war in an unexpected direction, and the Renegades may be called to give their lives to save their adopted homeland.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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