Download Reading People Celebrity Edition by Sanjay Burman (.ePUB)

Reading People Celebrity Edition: The Body Language of Your Favorite Stars by Sanjay Burman
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 193 KB
Overview: The secret to knowing whether a person is telling the truth or not isn’t from their words, but from their actions! Body language will always tell the truth no matter how much a person may try to hide it. Now you can learn when a celebrity, politician or even someone around you is being honest! Is that person telling the truth if they lookyou in the eye? No. That’s a myth. Learn the truth and dispel the myths to get a better read on your boss, friend, family or even the people you watch on TV!

Examples from: Tiger Woods, Jesse James, Mel Gibson, Bill Clinton, Paris Hilton and many others.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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