Download Quiet Stars by Robin Parsons (.ePUB)

Quiet Stars: A Sapphic Romance by Robin Parsons
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 724 kB
Overview: Spencer, a notorious troublemaker, roams the public schools in her district with a formidable reputation. When she’s expelled yet again, her exasperated parents resort to drastic measures, enrolling her in a prestigious coeducational institution abroad, hoping it will curb her unruly behavior. Unperturbed, Spencer harbors no intention of reforming her disruptive ways—until she encounters Johanna, known as Joey, a reserved and introverted girl.

Unlike Spencer, Joey keeps to herself, speaking sparingly beyond her circle of friends or necessity. Solely admitted to the school through her sole remaining relative, Joey diligently applies herself, determined to prove her worth to those who sent her there. Few dare to cross her path, wary of the girl capable of swift retaliation at the slightest provocation. Except Spencer.

Both girls carry burdensome pasts that have shaped their present selves. Secrets weigh heavily on their minds, restraining one and fueling the other’s rebellious spirit. As their worlds collide, everything they thought they knew is upended, and an unexpected bond forms. Yet, simplicity eludes them, as the convergence of these two distinct yet oddly similar individuals sets the stage for a captivating journey of discovery. Watch as their divergent paths intertwine, unraveling a tale of unforeseen twists and turns.
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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