Download Protecting Her Life by Remi Grey (.ePUB)

Protecting Her Life: An Alpha Hero Steamy Romance (Rescue Me Book 2) by Remi Grey
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 158 KB
Overview: An Alpha Hero Steamy Romance


My life has been a complete disaster since I met Kevin Clark, the charismatic psychopath that I married over a decade ago.

He and his horrible family ruled over me with an iron fist, that is, until I found out their dirty little secrets.

Secrets that almost got me killed.

Now, I need someone to protect me, someone strong, someone loyal, someone like Officer Darren Phillips.

A hot ginger who will stop at nothing to keep this witness safe, or is it more than that?

Is it just me that he would lay down his life to protect?

A man like him can’t fall for a broken woman like me, I’m no good for him, it would never work.

Or could we be just what the both of us need?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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