Download Killer Heart by Rhys Lawless (.ePUB)

Killer Heart by Rhys Lawless (Blade & Dust Book 1)
Requirements: epub reader, 482 kb
Overview: They’re sworn enemies.
Witches and witch hunters can never fall for each other…
Wade is a witch hunter with a cursed heart.
But everything he’s come to know about those evil creatures is about to be challenged by one man…
Caleb’s love life is a mess.
He’s given up on love, but as an empath, love never gives up on him.
When he meets a witch hunter with a cursed heart, he comes up with a plan.
✓ Trade hearts
✓ Stop the witch hunters
✓ Have a bisexual awakening
✓ Go their separate ways
If they want to fix their lives, they’ll have to learn to trust each other. Can they overcome their hatred and work together or will they end up ruining both their lives?
Genre: Romance MM


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