Download Prisoner 3-57: Trilogy by Simon Smith-Wilson (.ePUB)

Prisoner 3-57: Trilogy by Simon Smith-Wilson
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 762 kb
Overview: A cold hearted killer, an unprecedented experiment like nothing ever seen before, and a galactic battle spanning space and time. Prisoner 3-57 is an explosive cocktail of schizophrenic convicts, indestructible aliens from a madman’s nightmare and voices of the dead that may never have existed in the first place. He lives a life of sheer horror, he fights through brutal battles of epic proportions, but death does not mean the end. Prisoner 3-57 sets out to solve the complex mystery that is his new life and the ingenious experiment that has trapped him in a cyclone of death.
Genre: Science Fiction



Prisoner 3-57: Ghost
Prisoner 3-57: Nuke Town
Prisoner 3-57: Phantom Soldier

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