Download Poetry and Freedom by Paul Oppenheimer (.ePUB)

Poetry and Freedom: Discoveries in Aesthetics, 1985–2018 (Anthem Studies in South Asian Literature, Aesthetics and Culture) by Paul Oppenheimer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1 MB
Overview: This book offers a ground-breaking exploration of the aesthetics of poetic freedom. The range is broad, from antiquity to the present and from Europe and the Middle East into the poetry of the English-speaking world. Revealing questions about the elusiveness of poetic freedom―what does the term actually mean?―are repeatedly tested against the accomplishments of major poets such as Whitman, Dickinson, Rilke, Dante and Virgil, and their public yet intensely private originality. The result is a fresh, and well-nigh revolutionary, way of seeing literary and modern history, or an initiation into the more striking gift of aesthetic freedom.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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