Download Playing Series: Box Set (Books 1-3) by Olivia Sherwood (.ePUB)

Playing Series: Box Set (Books 1-3) by Olivia Sherwood
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.4 MB
Overview: Olivia Sherwood writes feel-good, happy-ever-after romances she hopes elicit smiles and laughs from all her readers. Her first novel, "Why Giraffes Have Long Necks" won the fifth grade creative writing award; that’s when her love for writing bloomed.
Genre: Romance


Playing to Win
Spunky, quick-witted twenty-one-year-old Callie Thompson is a University of Oklahoma journalism student by day and NBA Oklahoma City Thunder dancer by night. Callie hopes her connections with the franchise might get her foot in the door for a sports broadcasting job when she graduates.

She just has one rule…never date the players…
Kyle Kelly is the deadly handsome and charmingly Southern Thunder man of the hour. All the twenty-six-year-old is looking for is an NBA championship to call his own. However, an unexpected meeting with an opinionated, feisty Callie, who is very unimpressed with his celebrity status, throws a wrench in his plans.
Now he has two things on his mind…winning her heart AND the championship.

Playing for Love
Cassie Randall has a secret that haunts her every day. A secret that makes trusting a man an impossibility. She wants nothing more than to live a quiet, simple life as a teacher with those she calls family.

Jamal Jenkins, the starting point guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder, just wants to live his life out of the limelight with the people he loves most. Even though he’s portrayed as a stereotypical professional athlete and ladies’ man…

Cassie and Jamal are paired to walk together at their best friends’ wedding. Jamal is shocked the bookworm Cassie doesn’t recognize his celebrity status. Cassie is surprised someone as famous as Jamal is capable of such depth. Can Jamal help Cassie believe that he can be trusted, or will she continue to believe that all men are like the one she fears most?

Playing for Keeps
To her friends and family, Aria Cook is a sassy, foul-mouthed, not-a-care-in-the-world woman. She dances for the Oklahoma City Thunder and tends bar at her father’s trendy downtown bar, A Shot of Whiskey. What her friends and family don’t know, however, is Aria’s running from a past she can’t escape no matter how hard she tries…

Trevin Anderson is a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy. He knows most women only want the fame associated with dating one of the star players for the OKC Thunder. He doesn’t get attached. He has a job he loves, a sister and mother he adores, and friends who have his back. He doesn’t need anything else.

After much cajoling, Trevin’s mutual friend sets him up on a date with the feisty Thunder dancer he’s always admired. When the date fails epically, Trevin can’t walk away. Maybe it’s the thrill of the chase; perhaps it’s something more. She calls him her stalker. He calls her his girlfriend. The only question is: who will be right in the end?

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