Download Playing Naomi by Erika Rummel (.ePUB)

Playing Naomi by Erika Rummel (Prose #85)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 479kb
Overview: Liz is waiting for her big break in Hollywood, when a different offer comes her way. The wealthy Naomi Baum, a best-selling author, asks Liz to impersonate her on the Ted Hillman Show. The reclusive Naomi cannot bear public appearances but is desperate to make contact with another guest on the show: Miro Bogdan, the son she has abandoned as a baby. On the set, Liz gives a convincing performance as Naomi Baum and attracts the passions meant for the author. Miro, now a successful installation artist, harbours a deadly hatred for his mother and is plotting her murder. Ted Hillman, the host of the show, is fascinated with Naomi Baum and romances her stand-in. Liz gives a superb performance as Ted’s love interest. But is it a performance, or is Liz beginning to live Naomi’s life?
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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