Download Photographic Memory by Lewis Fischer (.MOBI)

Photographic Memory: Learning Methods to Learn Faster, Remember More Unlocking Your Photographic Memory Potential by Lewis Fischer
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: Drastically Increase Your Photographic Memory

Learning Methods to Learn Faster, Remember More Unlocking Your Photographic Memory Potential (Accelerated Learning: Memory Rescue)

We capture everything that happens to us and around us. We even capture things that we are not aware of. Each event is captured by all the senses we poses to the extent that they emit the relevant stimuli. If there is a sound, our ears pick it up, if there is movement and light, our eyes pick it up. If there is odor, our nose picks it up. Everything is picked up and sent to the brain for processing before it is stored. If you want to have better memory, you need to learn how to access all that information and use your photographic memory to its full potential. It’s all within you and the ways to do it are within this book.

Scientists across multiple medicinal philosophies have spent decades trying to understand the brain. We understand more of its psychology than we do about the technical methods of recording and recall, until now.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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