Download Phoenix Apocalypse series by Ernest C. Nichols (.ePUB)

Phoenix Apocalypse series by Ernest C. Nichols (#1-4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.6 MB
Overview: Let me explain what it means to be from a military family. I was born near Castle Air Force Base, California. My brother was born at Eielson AFB, Alaska, and my sister was born at Malmstrom AFB, Montana. During my military career, two of my children were born at Travis AFB, California, and the middle child was born at Clark AFB, Philippines. Our rambling lifestyle ended when I retired at March AFB, Riverside, California, after completing a Bachelor of Science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Our first civilian move was to Boise, Idaho. I worked at Micron Technology for 18 years and am named on eight company patents. I believe in ongoing education. I acquired a Master of Arts degree from Liberty University in 2005 and completed the Jerry Jenkins Writer’s Guild Apprentice course in 2008 and the Journeyman course in 2010. My military technical background, worldwide travel, and design experience using AUTOCAD and Solidworks 3D, sparked my imagination for writing. I was an early reader, and science fiction was my favorite genre.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. Phoenix Database
Earth’s original evil empire teleported off-planet after a defeat by rebels 10,000 years ago. Phoenix earth agents, recruited and guided by intergalactic telepathy, devise a Phoenix invasion conspiracy. Their scientists will regain access to their alien tech database hidden on earth while Phoenix leaders turn earth into a slave labor colony. A female forensic lab specialist and the matronly leader of a Langley think tank have close encounters with Phoenix assassins. They join with CIA agents and two WW2 veterans who thwarted Phoenix plans 60 years earlier. They form the last line of defense in an earth-verses-aliens confrontation that plays out below the radar of global news and governments.

2. Phoenix Weather War
Three hundred years after Phoenix Database.

Earth’s original evil empire makes a new attempt to return to earth by secretly using a Russian weather control network to align and strengthen earth’s ley line grid. This will power and aim their teleportation device on the Phoenix planet. Rebels on the Phoenix planet align with American members of the Doomsday Survival Network (descended from characters in book one). We hope to prevent invasion and the rebels wish to destroy the Phoenix elitist government. Invasion ships are on the transport pad as the High Ruler enters the launch code. The High Ruler is invincible, and the invasion seems inevitable. Teleportation time is eight minutes.

3. GridTronix
100 years after Phoenix Weather War.

A Russian billionaire conspires with a Chinese scientist to mentally entrain the World Trade Commission into accepting the GridTronics Corporation as the sole provider of global wireless power. They claim their network of GridTronix machines amplifies power produced by earth’s grid of ley lines for pennies on the dollar with zero environmental impact.

However, their network will power and focus a teleportation beam from the Phoenix planet to the restored Tower of Babel, the scene of an invasion attempt 6,500 years ago. Part of that beam will shunt to a second device hidden in Havana. The Midwest Alliance must defend against mental entrainment and superior off-world technology to fight the Phoenix invasion fleet in the Mediterranean and in Cuba.

4. Ethernomics
The Phoenix Empire was earth’s original evil empire, a pre-historic, high-tech civilization who leaders were mind-linked to a super-advanced scientific database stored on earth’s electromagnetic field. When Phoenix dissenters rebel, a weapon of the ruling class runs out of control, destroying civilization.

The rulers evacuate earth, but must leave their database behind. For thousands of years, they have made increasingly clever attempts to return and regain access to their database, to colonize earth into a slave planet, and to establish space station portals that reconnect earth to their ancient alien empire.

Ethernomics is the fourth book in the Phoenix Apocalypse Series and occurs 1500 years in the future. Phoenix conspires with a secret space mining and exploration corporation to defeat earth’s solar system defenses. The Phoenix invasion fleet is soon in low earth orbit and earth’s armaments cannot defeat the alien invasion weapons.

Daniel Walker Harrison and Carl Browning Edwards, of the Midwest Alliance International Space Agency, must discover how to make earth’s space fleet battle ready. The Alliance space fleet is powerless as Phoenix activates a device that extracts their database, causing life-threatening damage to earth’s electromagnetic field.

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