Download Her Reverse Genus series by Adell Ryan (.ePUB)+

Her Reverse Genus series by Adell Ryan (1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB/AZW/MOBI reader, 77.6 MB
#1 – Perfect
My name is Thessaly, and at 22, I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Living with my parents, going to college, and hanging out with friends is pretty much the extent of my mediocre life. The biggest drama I have going on with me is fighting a growing attraction toward my best friend Bram. Oh and avoiding needles—specifically ones that draw my blood. See, on January 27, 2044, the DNA Networking Act was set into action. This new law provides those in authority to gather genetic information from citizens in an effort to achieve nationwide resistance to diseases and other weaknesses. Sounds promising, right? Maybe. But to me, it infringes on a person’s freedom. The act prohibits citizens from declining to undergo genetic testing when summoned, and the deadline for everyone to voluntarily submit a DNA sample is fast approaching. I’m avoiding the process as long as possible. Until one night the unthinkable happens: I’m ruthlessly abducted. Bleeding is no longer voluntary… it’s a requirement. And as it turns out, my captors aren’t anything like I expected. Fear. Friendship. Betrayal. Lust. Hate. Passion. Despair. It’s no-holds-barred in this fast-paced Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance.

#2 – Broken
Thessaly here again. I’m still 22, and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. If I grow up. With the way things are going, I’m not feeling particularly confident I’ll survive to see my next birthday. The DNA Networking Act’s deadline for voluntary blood sample submissions has passed, and although I’ve managed to slip the system, it did not go unnoticed. Now, the bad guys have upped the ante: they’re collecting people instead of samples. To add to the drama, somewhere between being kidnapped and discovering there’s something different – and highly coveted – about my DNA, I started falling heart-first for the guys who’ve been my rock through it all. However, just when I begin to relax a little and give fate a chance, the precarious life/love balance I’ve managed to hang on to, despite the circumstances, turns upside down. In one terrible, devastating event after another…
Note: In 2044, while the world isn’t terribly different, human rights are. Our heroines and heroes in Her Reverse Genus find themselves thrust into one unfortunate event after another where they’re forced to explore varying degrees of highly triggering topics that some readers may find difficult to read. A list of potential triggers is provided in the front matter of the book.

#3 – Resistant
This is where I introduce myself… for a third time. Quite honestly, we’re past formalities now, so how about this instead: young woman, early twenties, special DNA, can often be found in a state of duress… or with four attractive men. That’s pretty much the basics of my recollections these days. Last thing I remember is dancing the night away. The next morning, I wake up in an unfamiliar place and am told something terrible happened to me. However, no one knows the specifics, and the guys are being tight-lipped about what little information they do know. When we finally learn what happened during those mysterious hours, the five of us are thrust into a situation we never would have imagined. The impact of this revelation blindsides us, and we all struggle with the knowledge. Being in this new place also unearths some surprising information about my beaus’ pasts. Just when I am becoming more familiar with them, hidden truths bubble to the surface. To top everything off, there’s a nationwide sweep, and our area is the next target. We have mere hours to make a decision: Do we stay? Or do we take to the road again?
Note: Trigger Warning: In 2044, while the world isn’t terribly different, human rights are. Our heroines and heroes in Her Reverse Genus find themselves thrust into one unfortunate event after another where they’re forced to explore varying degrees of highly triggering topics that some readers may find difficult to read. These topics include but are not limited to: gun violence, kidnapping, drugging, torture, abuse, discrimination, infertility, miscarriage, and non-consented medical procedures.

Genre: Fiction > Romance


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