Download Pemberley’s Renaissance by Lise Antunes Simoes (.ePUB)

Pemberley’s Renaissance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lise Antunes Simoes
Requirements: ePUB Reader / 416 KB
Overview: Having seriously believed that she was destined to become a spinster, Elizabeth Bennet finds herself married to one of the most eligible bachelors in Derbyshire. She now faces the daunting task of assuming her place within the vast and prestigious family estate of Pemberley. A few ill-disposed individuals would delight to see her fail so there is little room for error as she learns to lead her new household.
Darcy is at her side, of course, but he cannot shelter her entirely as gossiping tongues follow her every move. She must navigate the isolation she feels as a stranger in this new setting and learn how to honour her new responsibilities while the lingering presence of her late mother in law, Lady Anne, to whom she is always compared, hangs over her.
Thankfully, Elizabeth is resourceful. One day, she will triumph over even her harshest critics and prove herself worthy as mistress of Pemberley.
Genre: istorical Fiction


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