Download Peace of Cake by Jenny Carr (.ePUB)

Peace of Cake: The Secret to An Anti-Inflammatory Diet by Jenny Carr
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 3.6 MB
Overview: Does eating healthy leave you feeling deprived and overwhelmed? Peace of Cake: The Secret to an Anti-Inflammatory Diet offers an easy, long-term solution that doesn’t deprive your taste buds. Anti-inflammatory health coach Jenny Carr has designed a streamlined approach to eating an anti-inflammatory diet by focusing on one, simple food group. The rest of the top inflammatory foods will fall to the wayside, and your healthy lifestyle will simply fall into place! In Peace of Cake, you will find food swap recipes for cakes, cookies, breads, pizza, and more.

In these pages, you’ll learn how to:

Swap out the top inflammatory ingredients and still eat what you love
Detox from the foods that have been causing chronic inflammation
Experience health-based fat loss (no calorie counting or points system here)
Stop cravings in their tracks
Melt away inflammation
Learn how to follow an anti-inflammatory diet while on the road or in the air
PLUS master over 40 anti-inflammatory food swap recipes free of processed sugar, wheat, cow dairy, inflammatory oils, alcohol, and GMOs

In this Eat This Not That-style book, you can say goodbye to chronic health issues, including joint pain, loss of energy, poor sleep, inability to lose weight, digestive disorders, auto-immune conditions, diabetes, brain fog, allergies, skin conditions, and more.
Genre: Non Fiction Cookbook


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