Download Patricia Fisher Cruise Mysteries (5-7) by Steve Higgs (.ePUB)

Patricia Fisher Cruise Mysteries by Steve Higgs (#5-7)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 694 KB
Overview: Patricia Fisher is a force to be reckoned with. Not that she has any idea what she is doing.

Onboard the world’s finest luxury cruise liner, she finds herself dating the handsome and highly eligible Captain Alistair Huntley, proving to herself that there is plenty of life to be had after 50.

There’s plenty going on to distract her from romantic notions though as art thieves, murderers, terrorists, and international conspirators all plot to disrupt her perfect life.

They better watch out though, because accompanied by terror sausage, Anna, she is going to solve every mystery, one, two or even three at a time if she has to.

This 3 book boxed set will give you hours of mirth-filled, often pulse-pounding, cozy mystery with no cussing or smuttiness and no graphic descriptions of sex of violence.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


5. Doctor Death
When a chance encounter with a pickpocket leads to something more sinister, avid sleuth Patricia Fisher swings into action.

The Aurelia is on its way to Thailand, but a mystery illness is spreading among crew and passengers. Is there a link between it and a world-famous immunologist on board? There is something very strange about his companions and their behaviour, but no one wants to listen to Patricia’s outlandish theories.

When people she cares about join the growing number of sick people, Patricia sees no option other than to trace the cause for herself. Finding the truth will lead to her craziest caper yet.

6. Murder on the Dancefloor
Now halfway through her globetrotting around the world trip, Patricia Fisher is feeling relaxed and happy on the arm of Captain Alistair Huntley.

The peace is soon interrupted though when another calling card is found. They have been turning up for weeks, proof that someone has been breaking into the upper deck suites, but nothing has been stolen and no crime appears to have been committed.

There’s more going on though. The Aurelia is playing host to a live television event as India’s biggest ever show, Stars that Dance come on board for the journey from Chennai to Mumbai.

There’s a real party atmosphere until the first body is found. It’s one of the dancers and there’s yet another calling card impaled on the knife through her chest.

In true whodunnit style, Patricia is going to have to solve the crime, catch the killer and work out how the calling cards are connected.

7. Mission for the Maharaja
When Patricia returned the missing sapphire of Zangrabar she had no idea the Maharaja would consider himself eternally in her debt. Hardly surprising then that she has been invited to his son’s coronation as the new Maharaja.

There’s intrigue and mystery afoot though; the Marahaja’s invite suggested he had a mystery for her to solve, but in true Patricia style, it’s nowhere near that simple. Someone in Zangrabar wants her dead but they didn’t count on the tenacity of her friends and the loyalty of her butler. Beware wrongdoers, Patricia is getting used to ruining nefarious plans.

However, with her friends going missing, secretive servants, lies and unexplained events, it’s soon time for Patricia to ditch the willing smiles and go full sleuth-mode.

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