Download King & Armani 3: A Hood love Story by Kevina Hopkins (.ePUB)

King & Armani 3: A Hood love Story by Kevina Hopkins
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 332 KB
Overview: After the loss of her mother, Armani struggles to move through day-to-day life. The strength and love that King provided, keeps her together. Between PJ and Trent, Armani finds herself sinking back into the deep, dark hole she fought so hard to climb out of. She realizes there is target on her back and her life is on the line.

King wants nothing more than to enjoy life and happiness with Armani. However, there is always someone lurking in the shadows, waiting to bring Armani nothing but pain and hurt. He has had enough of wiping away her tears of pain caused by other’s and vows to make every person who has hurt her, pay, and will not stop until the sparkle returns to Armani’s eye and the smile rests on her face.
Is King able to succeed in bringing happiness back to Armani’s life, so they can finally enjoy their happily ever after? Or will life tragedies and curveballs prove to be too much for Armani to handle? Take this final ride with Armani and King and find out if their love conquers all.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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Download Gun Monkeys by Victor Gischler (.MP3)

Gun Monkeys by Victor Gischler
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 96 mb
Overview: Charlie Swift just pumped three .38-caliber bullets into a dead polar bear in his taxidermist girlfriend’s garage. But he’s a gun monkey, and no one can blame him for having an itchy trigger finger. Ever since he drove down the Florida Turnpike with a headless body in the trunk of a Chrysler, then took down four cops, Charlie’s been running hard through the sprawling sleaze of central Florida. And to make matters worse, he’s holding on to some crooked paperwork that a lot of people would like to take off his hands. Now, with his boss disappeared and his friends dropping like flies, Charlie has got his work cut out just to survive. If he wants to keep the money and get the girl too, he’s really going to have to go ape…
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Mystery


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Download The Rewind Series by K. Lashaun (.ePUB)

The Rewind Series by K. Lashaun (Books 1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 449 KB
Overview: K. Lashaun is an adult contemporary author born and raised in the great state of Alabama. Her start in writing followed the typical blueprint for most authors – consuming an insane amount of books at an early age before turning that love of reading into a knack for story telling.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


By Chance: A Rewind Short 1
Switching places with her twin sister brings Sinn face to face with “the one that got away”.
Can she handle the resurfacing feelings that remind her of when her world revolved around Jaxon Elliott?
The man who’s sensitive soul had always called to her own.
The man who’d loved her deeper than anyone she’d encountered since.
The man whose heart she broke six years ago…

Second Chance 2
The one that got away… Old hurts that aren’t easily forgiven… And a second chance at love…⠀
Sinn Ashland never thought she’d lay eyes on Jaxon Elliott after the disastrous end to their romance six years ago. Yet, there they were, three months into a committed relationship.
Sinn had grown from the immature young woman she’d been back then, but her previous selfish actions and careless words left scars on Jaxon’s heart that weren’t as easily forgiven as they thought.
When he pulls away, Sinn knows it’s time to go all in and show Jaxon that he could trust her with his heart.
It was her turn to fight for the man she’d foolishly walked away from six years ago and convince him they deserved a second chance at love…

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Download Fire And Steel by Louis Harper (.ePUB)

Fire And Steel: There Can Be Only One Outcome Victory Or Death by Louis Harper
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 360 KB
Overview: In the chaos of Belgium’s fields, there is only war. Only death. Only Fire and Steel.Destined for a swift life of crime, riches, and the dream of peace and tranquility, an agonizing betrayal throws Sébastien Chapardeur into the one institution he has always hated: the French army. With little regard for his newfound comrades, this reluctant soldier is forced into a war that will spark a European conflict that will span over twenty years and end millions of lives.The year is 1792, and France is at war, and private Sébastien must overcome traitors within his own ranks, aid his comrades, and destroy the Austrians who pursue him and his band of bedraggled volunteers all fighting to uphold France’s honour. It will be a difficult path, one filled with treachery and more musket shot than any man can stand, but that is what he must do. He must stand and fight, because in war there is only one outcome: Victory or Death.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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Download The King’s Bodyguard by Louis Harper (.ePUB)

The King’s Bodyguard (The Revolution Chronicles Book 1) by Louis Harper
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 315 KB
Overview: 1789. Armand, the comte de Polignac, a young and reluctant noble, saves the life of Princess Élisabeth de France from a plot to eliminate the Royal family. His reward? He is sent on a mission to defend the Bastille from those who would see the monarchy destroyed.

An alliance between the common people, treacherous French guards, and ambitious nobles in the National Assembly, have conspired to take the ancient fortress from King Louis de Bourbon to rid Paris of the ‘tyrant’s oppression’. Armand must battle against enemies who besiege him and those who wish to ruin him from within.

Defending the only world he knows within the court of Versailles, and the King’s last bastion of strength in Paris, Armand is surrounded on all sides by enemies who want to kill him. Can the young comte survive and hold the Bastille, maintain the King firmly seated on his throne, and keep a promise to his Princess, or will everyone and everything he has ever known be sent to the executioner’s blade?

This heart-racing alternative historical fiction novel will show two opposing worlds, one rich and lavish, versus the common and downtrodden in a battle for the future and honour of France. Who will survive?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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