Download The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey (.MP3)

The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey (The first book in the Monstrumologist series)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 315 mb
Overview: So begins the journal of Will Henry, orphaned assistant to Dr. Pellinore War throp, a man with a most unusual specialty: monstrumology, the study of monsters. In his time with the doctor, Will has met many a mysterious late-night visitor, and seen things he never imagined were real. But when a grave robber comes calling in the middle of the night with a gruesome find, he brings with him their most deadly case yet.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Young Adult Fantasy


Download Instructions: … 6.rar.html

Download TERF Wars by Dharma Kelleher (.ePUB)

TERF Wars by Dharma Kelleher (Jinx Ballou Bounty Hunter #4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 901 KB
Overview: A Fight For Justice Has Become A Battle for Truth

Bounty hunter Jinx Ballou is hot on the trail of Blair Marshall, a fugitive who brutally murdered a transgender woman in a public restroom. As a trans woman herself, Jinx is more determined than ever to bring this bigoted killer to justice.

But at every turn, Jinx’s attempts to apprehend Marshall are thwarted by the ruthless transphobic hate group her fugitive controls. A series of high-speed car chases, brutal fights, and unsuccessful takedowns leave Jinx and her team frustrated and empty-handed.

When an undaunted Jinx presses on, she finds herself in a war of media manipulation, disinformation, and deep-faked videos that paints a target on her back and puts loved ones in grave danger. Will Jinx bring Marshall to justice before more innocent people are killed?
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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Download Mom Set Free by Jeannie Cunnion (.ePUB)

Mom Set Free: Find Relief from the Pressure to Get It All Right by Jeannie Cunnion
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MB
Overview: Moms are under so. much. pressure. Pressure that weighs us down and threatens to wipe us out. Are you ready for relief? Mom Set Free will empower you to parent in the confidence of God’s grace and to experience the freedom you were created for.

We moms are told that we have to get it all right so our kids turn out right. We’re told that their entire futures are riding on our ability to perfectly orchestrate their lives. And we’re told that the strength of their faith hinges on ours. And we begin to believe that if we just try hard enough, we can actually “be enough.”

These impossible standards leave us stuck in worry, anger, guilt, comparison, and shame.

Jeannie Cunnion gets it. And in Mom Set Free she reveals how the Good News of the Gospel empowers us to live—and parent—in the freedom for which Christ has set us free.

Jeannie invites us to journey alongside her as we learn to:

* Lay down what God has not asked us to carry so we can thrive in what He has.

* Embrace our significance in our children’s lives in light of God’s sovereignty.

* Trust God with the children He has entrusted to us.

* Receive God’s grace so we can reflect God’s heart to our kids.

It’s time to breathe deeper, walk lighter, and reclaim the wonder and adventure of parenting.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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Download Inferno Decoded by Michael Haag (.ePUB)

Inferno Decoded: The essential companion to the myths, mysteries and locations of Dan Brown’s Inferno by Michael Haag
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 8.0 MB
Overview: In this illuminating companion to Dan Brown’s Inferno, historian Michael Haag sets out the truth behind the novel’s myths, mysteries and locations. How do the clues unveiled in symbology professor Robert Langdon’s daring quest from Florence to Venice and Istanbul overlap with history?

What codes and symbols did Dante employ in the Divine Comedy and which secret religious, philosophical, and scientific themes are hidden within his work? What lies behind Botticelli’s Mappa dell’Inferno? And what are the cult scientists known as transhumanists really up to?

Inferno Decoded is a book that ranges as widely as Dan Brown’s novel, from the terrors of the Black Death to the scientific debates around population growth and prolonging of life-spans, and from the economic, political, and religious tumult in Florence at the dawn of the Renaissance to real-life locations in Florence, Venice and Istanbul today. It is a must-read for anyone who has read Inferno and wondered just how its enigmatic questions are real or relevant.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


Download Instructions: … _Dan_Brown’s_Inferno_by_Michael_Haag,_Greg_Ward.epub.html

Download The Isle of Blood by Rick Yancey (.MP3)

The Isle of Blood by Rick Yancey (The third book in the Monstrumologist series)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 199 mb
Overview: An old friend of Dr. Warthrop’s comes asking him for help to track down Warthrop’s colleague, the sociopathic Dr. John Kearns. At first, Warthrop is reluctant–but soon, evidence suggests that Kearns may be in possession of information leading to a creature widely regarded as the ‘Holy Grail of monstrumology,’ an organism so rare and elusive that it has never been killed or captured or even observed in the wild.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Young Adult Fantasy


Download Instructions: … 6.rar.html