Download Outrun The Devil by V. L. Summers (.ePUB)

Outrun The Devil by V. L. Summers
Requirements: epub reader, 390 kb
Overview: Detective Olivia Collins must trust her instincts and unravel a web of murder cases involving werewolves and vampires, all while being paired with rookie detective Nathan Steele. As she delves deeper into the investigation, Olivia is torn between her fiercely guarded independence, her feelings for Nathan, and her growing attraction to the enigmatic suspect, Xavier Knight.

With the lines between good and evil blurred, Olivia’s choices become increasingly perilous, leading her on a journey to outrun the devil and confront her own demons. In a race against time, Olivia’s resilience and capacity to trust will be tested, redefining her and forcing her to confront the depths of her own humanity.
Genre: Romance


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