Download Out in the Wild!: A Graphix Book (Bug Scouts #1) by Mike Lowery (.CBR)

Out in the Wild!: A Graphix Chapters Book (Bug Scouts #1) by Mike Lowery
Requirements: CBR Reader, 28MB
Overview: From New York Times bestselling illustrator Mike Lowery comes a wild and hilarious Graphix Chapters series featuring the amazing Bug Scouts!

"Raise your leg or antenna, and make the BUG SCOUT pact:
"I promise to fly, I promise to crawl
Or make a cool web, or roll into a ball.
I pledge to be brave and adventurous too.
And do all of the things that bugs like to do!"

Meet Doug, Abby, and Josh: the BUG SCOUTS! Doug and Abby love everything about being Bug Scouts: their super-duper top-secret headquarters, earning bug badges, wearing scout gear, and, of course, snacks. Josh, meanwhile, is a grump and doesn’t like anything (except the snacks). The Bug Scouts begin to work on earning the "foraging" bug badge, which they can only get if they successfully find an edible plant. Together, they head into the woods in search for adventure and something to eat. But will they be able to avoid the poisonous plants and manage to not get eaten by a clever frog?!
Genre: Comics > Graphic Novels | Children


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