Download Oracle Trilogy (#1-3) by Meghan Ciana Doidge (.ePUB)

Oracle Trilogy (#1-3) by Meghan Ciana Doidge
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.5MB
Overview: Meghan Ciana Doidge writes tales of true love conquering all, even death. Though sometimes the love is elusive, the vampires and werewolves come out to play in the daylight, and bloody mayhem ensues.
Genre: Fiction > Romance | Fantasy, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy


#1. I See Me
The day I turned nineteen, I expected to gain what little freedom I could within the restrictions of my bank account and the hallucinations that had haunted me for the last six years. I expected to drive away from a life that had been dictated by the tragedy of others and shaped by the care of strangers. I expected to be alone. Actually, I relished the idea of being alone. Instead, I found fear I thought I’d overcome. Uncertainty I thought I’d painstakingly planned away. And terror that was more real than anything I’d ever hallucinated before. I’d seen terrible, fantastical, and utterly impossible things … but not love. Not until I saw him.
This paranormal romance/urban fantasy is the first book in the Oracle Series by author Meghan Ciana Doidge. Author’s note: The ideal reading order of I See Me (Oracle 1) is between Dowser 3 and 4, but it’s not actually necessary to read the Dowser Series before reading the Oracle Series.

#2. I See You
Over a year and a half had passed since Jade Godfrey — aka the dowser — fixed my mother’s necklace. Since I’d thwarted the vision of the death of love. Since I’d made a deal with a devil and acquired a demigod for a mentor.
I still didn’t understand or control my power, my magic, but it had been a great year. A year of rest. A year of love and light.
But now the reprieve was over.
Now it was time to see.
Magic willed it so.

#3. I See Us
Here be an oracle. Despair all ye who seek her. Magic will have its cake and eat it too.
Okay, well. So I was mixing metaphors. I was new to the gig.
But as far as I could tell, there were three kinds of people. Those who wanted confirmation that they’d chosen the correct path. Those who wanted to deny there was any sort of destiny at all. And those who wanted to tear it all down.
So why was it always the third type that showed up at the door to my 1975 Brave Winnebago, dragging me into their power struggles and using my past against me — when I didn’t even know what that past was?
Could I thwart the destiny that had been envisioned for me before I was born? Could I carve out a future filled with love and light with my chosen mate?
I certainly knew what I was capable of doing to survive. Beyond the past, through the present, and well into the future … I’d see us.

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