Download Only You: The You Collection by Roya Carmen (.ePUB)

Only You: The You Collection by Roya Carmen
Requirements: epub reader, 203 kb
Overview: A cynical good girl.
A cocky French artist.
And a hell of a steamy art lesson.
Can you fall in love in less than a week?
Following a brutal break-up, Sammy Stone gets roped into attending an art retreat with her best friend Trish. Sammy can’t draw to save her life, but her beautiful art teacher is more than happy to give her extra lessons.
Only You brings you to the beautiful romantic city of Quebec and the colorful world of art. Set over a single sunny week, it’s the perfect summer read.
Author’s Note: This novella was previously published in the HOT for TEACHER anthology in 2016, previously titled FIRECRACKER.
Genre: Romance


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