Download Once Upon a Player series by Elena Matthews (.ePUB)

Once Upon a Player series by Elena Matthews (#2-3)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 954 kB
Overview: Receptionist by day, author by night, Elena Matthews is from Manchester, United Kingdom, the home of Manchester United, MediaCity, and of course, Coronation Street.
Genre: Romance

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Forever Logan (#2): Once upon a time…
A sister told her brothers, “Eventually, a girl is going to come along and flip your worlds upside down.”
She was right…
…and Logan was the second to fall.
From the instant Logan locked eyes on Ally, he knew she was the one.
Usually, women flock to him, but the one woman whose attention he wants hates his guts.
Lucky for Logan, his twin brother is getting married to Ally’s best friend, and as the best man, Logan is determined to make good use of planning the wedding to his advantage…especially with Ally being the maid of honor.
It’s tough, trying to make her fall in love with him when all they do is argue, but slowly, Logan begins to show Ally his worth.
Eventually, things between them begin to heat up…and the lust quickly accelerates into something deeper.
But will Logan always need to prove himself to Ally because of his past, or will he ruin everything with one stupid bet?

Forever Blake (#3)(April 2021): Once upon a time…
A sister told her brothers, “Eventually, a girl is going to come along and flip your worlds upside down.”
She was right…
…and Blake was the third to fall.
Hotshot lawyer Blake has always lived the bachelor life, never wanting to be with a woman more than once. Until Ever comes along.
When a one-night stand turns into an unexpected life-altering weekend, Blake desperately wants to see her again.
What Blake doesn’t anticipate is seeing her so soon … as she’s being introduced to him as the new summer intern, who happens to be the boss’s twenty-two-year-old daughter.
A dead man walking, Blake makes it clear to Ever that nothing can happen again. He has too much riding on his career.
However, the electrical charge between them is unlike anything he’s ever felt, and when the tension gets to be too much, Blake finds it impossible to stay away from her.
Will Blake risk it all for Ever, or will he let the ten-year age gap and the fact that she’s his boss’s daughter get in the way of his happiness?

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Thanks goes to ‘z’ for kindly sharing Book 2!

Once Upon a Player #1: Here

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