Download Of Flames and Curses by Whitney L. Spradling (.ePUB)

Of Flames and Curses by Whitney L. Spradling (Cursed Realms Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 918 kb
Overview: Do fairies exist?

This is the question Lainey asks herself after her sister’s brutal murder in Central Park. Armed with her sister’s diary and the mysterious entries within, Lainey’s quest for answers leads her to Phoenix, a surly but handsome fae.

The answer to Lainey’s question reveals a truth that will change everything she thought she knew about herself and the world she lives in. A sacrifice must be made to break a curse that locked the gate between the human and faerie realms.

Leaving the only world she has known, Lainey finds herself surrounded by evil queens, curses, and magical creatures. Together, Lainey and Phoenix must find a way to break the curse that doesn’t result in Lainey’s death—like her sister’s.

Do fairies exist? The answer will change Lainey’s life in ways she never imagined.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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