Download Objective: Freedom by James Huber (.MOBI)

Objective:Freedom: Part One of the Series Secession by James Huber
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 375.19 MB
Overview: Objective:Freedom reflects the current times and the state of the Government this story looks at the actions of the internal workings of five states that cannot support the union. The President of the United States tries to preserve the economic might of the U.S., but merely makes matters worse with his activities. Five Southwestern states, influenced by an ultra-conservative governor of Texas decides that they can no longer sustain the welfare giveaways and the wasteful foreign aid. The five states form their own country and the U.S. is powerless to do something about it. Governor Kyle Harris, of Texas, leads the other governors to restore a sense of orderliness. The Texas Rangers are nationalized. The President of the U.S. bows out under pressure and an Army General then steps in to take his place. The General is assisted by the Ambassador from England. The lady Ambassador, with her extensive background, tries to soothe the bitterness between the countries. She tries for an alliance and ends up in one with the General. In the meantime, Iranian forces are seeking to break up the new government with assassination attempts, and corrupting government officials with drugs and internal relations. The narrative demonstrates how things could go out of control and what it may need to bring them back into control before the U.S. is lost to both inner and external strengths.
. Draconian corrections were immediately enacted, with virtual elimination of welfare programs. Meanwhile, back in Washington the status quo reacted with great hubris, pomp and bluster, but without consensus or much resolve.
This book was one that will draw you in, and you will not want to stop reading until you reach the end. I suspect people of all political stripes will find much to enjoy in this tale.
The action stretches from Texas to D.C. to the deserts of Iraq and Southern California.
The story could be from current events. Several states have made noise about pulling out of the Union, none have, but what would it be like if they did. California has made the most noise, but Oklahoma and Texas have openly defied some executive orders and gotten away with it. Could others?
Genre: General Fiction/Classics


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