Download Not About That Life by Vera Roberts (.ePUB)

Not About That Life by Vera Roberts (Feeling Some Type of Way #3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 202 kB
Overview: The famous rapper, Khia, always says to ‘Get Money, Bitch!’ Now I finally understand what she means. As I become more engrossed into the Lifestyles of the Rich and Shameless, traveling all over the world, laughing at quirky Friends references even though I have no idea what the hell they’re talking about, and introduced to how the one percent really lives, I’ll finally realize what it’s really like to be so rich, you downplay the wealth. I also realize what it’s like to be so rich, you might forget who you are and where you come from. I don’t want it all. Hell, I don’t even want the majority of it, though I wouldn’t mind having the latest Chanel clutch that is guaranteed to take me to the Promised Land. But I do want something that will ensure we’re on as even of a playing field as we could be. And if Ian won’t give me that, I will have to walk away. Nobody puts Domi in a corner.
Genre: Romance


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Feeling Some Type of Way #1-2: Here

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