Download Nosferatu Academy Series by Virgil Knightley (.ePUB)

Nosferatu Academy Series by Virgil Knightley (1-2)
Requirements: epub reader, 834 KB
Overview: Virgil Knightley is a midwestern fan of classic pulp adventure sci fi and fantasy.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


#1 – Being abducted by my childhood crush and turned into a vampire wasn’t my plan for the weekend, but here we are.
Now I’ve been taken to a demiplane between worlds where Dracula rules supreme, and all he wants is to… start a school for vampires?
It turns out the next generation of vampire is built differently, and I’m in on the ground floor of that new enterprise. What’s more, I have a unique suite of abilities that helps me further stand out from the crowd. So much, in fact, that I’ve started attracting the attention of multiple gorgeous women. These monster girl vampires include my teacher, my childhood friend, an old bully of mine, and Dracula’s socially awkward daughter. That isn’t counting the two gorgeous twins I’ve taken as thralls.
If I’m doing this, I’m doing it right. I’m going to work hard, study harder, and play the hardest, making the best out of my new life. Nosferatu Academy, here I come.

#2 – Things are about to get interesting.
Now that I know what Dracula has planned for me, the pressure is on. Failure is hardly an option… At the same time, if I’m supposed to one day preside over the Wallachian Vampires, how am I supposed to prove myself to those that are centuries older than me? I have to get stronger, be smarter. I have to succeed.
Meanwhile, my rivals in House Wolf seem likely to call off the truce at any moment. Actually, that’s the least of my worries. It turns out that there are legendary beings from other worlds trying to steal the Netherveil away from Dracula—and it’s going to be my job to help defend it.
While that’s all going on, I have my romances with my beautiful housemates to maintain. So far so good, but how will they take it when I let them know that Mrs. Drake is joining the fold?

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 22nd March 2023. Thanks to Canoj37)

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