Download Nobody’s by Rhea Wilde (.ePUB)

Nobody’s by Rhea Wilde
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 271 KB
Overview: Some things are priceless…

Angel is every man’s dream. She can fulfill every man’s fantasy as long as they’re willing to pay the price. She knows what she has and men want it. But despite her gorgeous facade, Angel knows that she’s doing the only thing she can to get by.

On an ordinary night on the job, fate intervenes when she meets billionaire Thomas Livingston. After their initial encounter, Thomas offers Angel a ten-day contract she can’t refuse. And just like that she’s whisked into a life she’s completely unfamiliar with but one she’s always dreamed of. With the entire city at her fingertips, Angel enjoys the luxuries of her sudden benefactor.

But a life of affluence for Angel comes with something she wasn’t expecting. Being around Thomas attracts a higher clientele and she’s suddenly given an even larger offer from another potential client. Thomas begins acting strangely as she considers the offer. Angel soon learns that there’s more to Thomas than she first expected and that there’s more to life than the money she was always seeking. Sometimes you don’t know who you really are until someone shows you your own reflection in the mirror.
Genre: Erotic Romance


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