Download Nighthawk Ensign: Lady Hellgate Books 1-3 by Greg Dragon (.ePUB)

Nighthawk Ensign: Lady Hellgate Books 1-3 by Greg Dragon
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 949 KB
Overview: Nighthawk Ensign is the first three-book space opera collection from the Lady Hellgate series. This omnibus contains Last of the Nighthawks, Full Metal Heroine, and Half-Alien Warfighter. Three diverse, action-packed, otherworldly adventures.

After losing her parents and joining the Alliance Navy, Ensign Helga Ate has proven to be special enough to be chosen for the prestigious Nighthawks, Special Forces.

But tragedy strikes when her team deploys to a remote moon and gets put to the ultimate test–survival. Facing impossible odds, Helga and her team battle brain-eating aliens, human pirates, and treacherous spacers corrupted by the enemy.

Helga must prove herself as an ace operator, or she could end up being the last of the Nighthawks.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Nighthawk Ensign includes:

Last of the Nighthawks
Full Metal Heroine
Half-Alien Warfighter

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