Download New Girl on the Street by Donna Jay (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

New Girl on the Street by Donna Jay
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 608 KB
Overview: Electrician Lisa Barnett gets the shock of her life when she glimpses her new neighbour. It’s not just that the curvaceous beauty is up all hours, hauling suitcases in and out of her car. It’s that the mysterious, maddening, probably married woman was her schoolgirl fling from years ago—a girl who blew up her life, then blew out of town without a word.

What’s she doing back in town? And what on earth is she up to?

Bella McBride can’t believe her life. A job transfer has landed her back home and she’s wound up living next door to the woman who stole her heart as a teenager. Worse, Lisa won’t even give her the time of day—and she can’t really blame her.

Life would be so much easier if they stayed on their own side of the fence. But how can they with the pull of attraction constantly teasing them and so much left unsaid?
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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