Download Never Cross A Wallflower by Sydney Jane Baily (.ePUB)

Never Cross A Wallflower by Sydney Jane Baily (Revenge of the Wallflowers #2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 550 kB
Overview: A Regency romance with wit, passion, . . . and cats!

Take one wallflower and thoroughly disgrace her.
Add an earl who thinks a jest is always in good fun.
Stir together with a spark of romance.
Sprinkle with the bon ton.
Bring to a boil with passion and vengeance.
Simmer through the London Season.
Let cool with a breeze of regret.
Finish with a deliciously happy ending.

Miss Evelyn Blythe is content with needlepoint and rescuing cats, intending no one a whit of harm – until the moment she is publicly humiliated for spite and sport. Game on!

Lord Percy Barrett, the fun-loving Earl of Flintshire, thinks his friend’s sister is delightful exactly as she is. Quiet, yes, but she can take a joke or jest as well as any man. Then a prank goes too far!

Transforming from wallflower to wildflower, Evelyn dazzles the bon ton, all the while exacting her revenge. Becoming increasingly like the ladies she has always scorned, with her heart set on vengeance, will she lose the man of her dreams?
Genre: Romance, Historical


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Thanks goes to ‘z’ for kindly sharing! .

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