Download Nearbound and the Rise of the Who Economy by Jared Fuller (.ePUB)

Nearbound and the Rise of the Who Economy by Jared Fuller (Author), Jill Rowley (Author)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MB
Overview: But most B2B companies continue struggling with diminishing returns from traditional go-to-market tactics. They remain stuck in the old inbound and outbound eras, trying to interrupt or attract buyers in a market increasingly inundated by noise.

In the old ‘How Economy,’ buyers asked, “How can I solve this problem?” They Googled for answers to their questions, and companies tried to game systems to get their information in front of them at the right time and in the right channels.

But in today’s ‘Who Economy,’ buyers now ask, “Who can help me solve this problem?” They are looking to the influencers who have been to their promised land to make purchasing decisions.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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