Download My Road Trip with a Vampire: Season One by Darva Green (.ePUB)

My Road Trip with a Vampire: Season One by Darva Green
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 806 KB
Overview: A woman who talks to dead people. A vampire on a strange quest. A spicy ghost-hunting adventure.

My routine has been pretty basic since my near-death experience: go to work, avoid getting hit on by my boss, and pay my medical bills on time.

When nighttime rolls around I like to head out to the graveyard and put uneasy spirits to rest. It’s my passion, but it’s lonely work.

That is until I make a big mistake and a mysterious man saves me from stepping too close to the veil again. Now I’ve got a high-paying job doing what I love most with a co-worker who’s sexy, dangerous, and absolutely off-limits. We try to keep it professional as we criss-cross the country looking for hauntings, but some things are harder to handle than ghosts.

*This book is a collection of episodes 1-26 of the Kindle Vella series: My Road Trip with a Vampire. It’s an ongoing series and the next book will be out when the second season is complete.*
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


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