Download My Rebel, My Love by Ruth Kaufman (.ePUB)

My Rebel, My Love by Ruth Kaufman (De Wolfe Pack Connected World)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 170 kb
Overview: An embroiderer gets more than she bargained for after daring to partner with a baron.

1216 A.D. Eleanor of Elton fears her time serving the queen is ending. She wants to support herself with embroidery, but single women can face insurmountable challenges establishing a business. When she meets wealthy, handsome rebel baron Jenkin de Lacy at court, she tamps down her attraction and interest because she doesn’t want to depend on a man. And what powerful noble would marry a farmer’s daughter? But…maybe he’d be her partner.

Jenkin de Lacy is one of 25 barons rebelling against King John’s tyranny. Because lovely, intelligent Eleanor so intrigues him and he can’t bear to watch her dream die for lack of funds, he reluctantly agrees to help with her embroidery business. As they grow closer, he wants to do more than work with her, though marriage is far from his mind in these uncertain times and he’d need a noble bride should he decide to wed again.

Can love overcome their differences?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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