Download My Best Friend’s Grumpy Brother by Liz Willow (.ePUB)

My Best Friend’s Grumpy Brother by Liz Willow
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 240 kb
Overview: Well, well, well, talk about a sticky situation I’ve landed in!

My car decides to go kaput on a deserted road, and guess who shows up like a knight in shining armor?

Oliver Moreau, the billionaire with a sense of timing as impeccable as his jawline. We used to be a dream team in the pastry world, until our partnership turned sour faster than a burnt soufflé.

Now, here we are, trapped in this creepy old inn, playing a game of emotional hide-and-seek.

But you know what they say, when life hands you a storm and an absurdly good-looking billionaire, you better grab that opportunity with both hands.

Sparks are flying, cakes are crumbling, and my plans for a fresh start are taking a backseat to this deliciously complicated reunion.

Geez, this rollercoaster ride just got bumpier than a pie crust with more lumps than my last relationship.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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