Download Mutiny on the Globe by Thomas Farel Heffernan (.ePUB)

Mutiny on the Globe: The Fatal Voyage of Samuel Comstock by Thomas Farel Heffernan
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.4MB
Overview: Samuel Comstock knew he was born to do some great thing, but his only legacy was a reign of terror. Two years out of Nantucket on a whaling voyage in 1824, he organized a mutiny and murdered the officers of the Globe. It was a premeditated act; in his sea chest Comstock carried the seeds, tools, and weapons with which he would found his own island kingdom. He had often described these plans to one of his brothers, William. But the chief witness and chronicler of the mutiny was young George Comstock, who neither participated in nor approved of his brother’s savage deed.

Within days of settling on Mili Atoll in the Marshall Islands, Comstock was murdered by his fellow mutineers. Six innocent seamen George among them seized the Globe and escaped; most of the rest were killed by natives. Two survivors lived for twenty two months, half prisoners and half adoptees of the natives, until they were rescued in a bold and dangerous maneuver by a landing party from the U.S. schooner Dolphin.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History


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