Download Mourn The Living by Henry Perez (.ePUB)+

Mourn The Living by Henry Perez (Alex Chapa series #2)
Requirements: .ePUB/.Mobi Reader, 833 KB
Overview: Wherever You Live…
From city to city, one man walks the streets, carefully choosing his victims. Mercilessly, he cuts their throats. And with each kill, he leaves his chilling trademark, honed to razor-sharp perfection over decades of practice…
He’ll Find You…
But now, reporter Alex Chapa is tracking the story, following the lead of a murdered colleague—and getting dangerously close to the most elusive serial killer in decades…
And Kill You…
When the next victim surfaces bearing the unmistakable calling card, Alex realizes no one is safe from this psychopath’s murderous rage. For the killer has set his sights on Alex and those he loves—and only their blood will satisfy him…
Genre: Thriller, Mystery


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