Download More: More Recipes with More Veg for More Joy by Matt Preston (.ePUB)

More: More Recipes with More Veg for More Joy by Matt Preston
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 72 MB
Overview: Maybe you want to eat more vegetables, or less meat, or try cooking some tasty vegan meals to broaden your repertoire and still put a broad smile on the faces of those you are feeding? Maybe you want to save money or the environment by eating more plant-based meals, or maybe you just want to keep the vegan or vegetarian in the family happy at dinnertime without having to cook two meals? Maybe you just want to enjoy a meat-free Monday every so often and don’t want to feel like you’re missing out? Here are over 100 recipes full of vibrant colors and flavors that celebrate the pure, unadulterated pleasure that food can give you. All the recipes are vegetarian or vegan, but if you decide you’d like to add a little bacon or a slab of fish, we’ve included a separate cooking guide for your meaty add-ons. Gone are the grey-meat-and-potatoes menus of the past. Each of these recipes capture the happiness that good food can bring. More combines Matt’s passion for simple, hearty recipes with his love of the humble veggie to bring the whole family to the table for a delicious meal. Includes dual measures.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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