Download Moonlight Cowboy by Jennie Atkins (.ePUB)

Moonlight Cowboy (A Victory Island Novel) by Jennie Atkins
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.3 Mb
Overview: Widower Daniel Gallagher’s life is a façade. Most know him as a high-school art teacher. Very few understand what drove him to moonlight as the world-renowned artist David Benjamin.
When his private-investigator friend needs help and asks Daniel to blend into the artsy community on Victory Island, he accepts. His mission is to monitor the spending habits of Emma Wagner, whose mother is accusing her of stealing the family fortune.
Emma, a lifelong island resident, works at her aunt’s art gallery. Having endured the fallout of her father’s poor business sense, she wants a man who is honest to a fault. A new resident on the island, Daniel Gallagher, appears to have all the qualities. However, there is one problem—he thinks she’s nothing more than a petty thief!
Considering her family history, Emma knew better than to yank money from the gallery’s cash drawer and stuff it into her pocket. She has a good reason though—part of her job is to perform missions of mercy for her employer. But the words stick in her throat when Daniel pronounces her guilty with one swift glance of his dreamy, chocolate-colored eyes.
After witnessing Emma’s snatch and grab from the gallery’s cash drawer, Daniel believes Emma’s mother’s accusations. But when he follows the young woman into the grocery store and finds her pushing a cart full of baby supplies, he has two questions. One. Why is a childless single woman purchasing baby food, formula, and three boxes of diapers? And two. What possessed him to ask her out to dinner?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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