Download Moon Hoax by Paul Gillebaard (.ePUB)

Moon Hoax by Paul Gillebaard (Hoax Trilogy Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 502 kb
Overview: China claims the moon landings never happened and that they have proof. Losing worldwide prestige is not an option for the United States. America must prove they won the space race of the 60s.
CIA agent and former NASA candidate Peter Novak, son of a U.S. moonwalker, is selected to fly a mission back to the moon against UN sanctions to set the record straight. With no manned rocket close to flying, America must figure out how to get their man into deep space undetected and without international help.
Restoring his father’s good name and the reputation of his country on a one-way ticket to lunar orbit sounds crazy—but its Peter’s only chance to break free of Earth’s atmosphere and fulfill his dream as an astronaut. Peter enlists a former space rival as his unlikely co-pilot, and the two battle to outwit China’s efforts to sabotage the operation and beat the Chinese back to the moon.
America is thrust into a race back to the moon–And this time it’s personal.
Genre: Science Fiction


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