Download Monsters: Passion & Loss Created Frankenstein by Sharon Dogar (.ePUB)

Monsters: The Passion and Loss that Created Frankenstein by Sharon Dogar
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.0MB
Overview: 1814: Mary Godwin, the sixteen-year-old daughter of radical socialist and feminist writers, runs away with a dangerously charming young poet – Percy Bysshe Shelley. From there, the two young lovers travel a Europe in the throes of revolutionary change, through high and low society, tragedy and passion, where they will be drawn into the orbit of the mad and bad Lord Byron.But Mary and Percy are not alone: they bring Jane, Mary’s young step-sister. And she knows the biggest secrets of them all . . .

Told from Mary and Jane’s perspectives, Monsters is a novel about radical ideas, rule-breaking love, dangerous Romantics, and the creation of the greatest Gothic novel of them all: Frankenstein
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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