Download Monster Girl Lord series by Jay Aury (.ePUB)

Monster Girl Lord series by Jay Aury (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.5 MB
OverviewJay Aury is a Canada based author specializing in erotic fiction. By day he works a regular boring job, but by night he crafts the sizzling tales you can see on his page. A fan of the pulps of yesteryear, having missed his chance to publish in those magazines by about a century, he instead turns to ebooks to inflict his fantasies on the paying public.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic Fantasy


The Root of Corruption (#1)
You were suspicious about being given lordship over the land of Rovena.
And you were right to be.
Not only is your castle in ruins and being squatted in by a wizard, but your new realm is under attack by a misandrist goddess! Her Roots of Corruption spread across the realm, turning flora, fauna, and women into horny monster girls and men into their slaves.
Your only hope to reclaim your realm is to find these roots and seal them, and become the Monster Girl Lord.
After besting the googirl living in your basement, your first destination is the trader town of Lamrick, which has been taken over by the Falsetta goblin clan. You’ll have to infiltrate their winery, negotiating with flirty gate guards, bypassing alchemical goblin maids, and ducking drunken plant girls with berry big busts, all to face off with Gabbia, the gobmother, and sever the first Root of Corruption.

Shrine of the Sacred Cow (#2)
You were suspicious about being given lordship over the land of Rovena.
And you were right to be.
Not only is your castle in ruins and being squatted in by a wizard, but your new realm is under attack by a misandrist goddess! Her Roots of Corruption spread across the realm, turning flora, fauna, and women into horny monster girls and men into their slaves.
Your only hope to reclaim your realm is to find these roots and seal them, and become the Monster Girl Lord
Your castle now plays host to the Falsetta goblin clan and their gobmother, but your business lies elsewhere. A former priestess of the god of knowledge has been corrupted, becoming a busty cow girl bent on converting the local farming community to Setaria, turning the men to brainless bulls and women to milky sluts. But there are many obstacles between you and this holy cow, including misandrist centaur maidens, horny acolytes, minotaur guardians, and your own lusts. But if you can overcome them, you shall face Tauria herself, and sever the second Root of Corruption.

Into Endimon’s Woods (#3)
You were suspicious about being given lordship over the land of Rovena.
And you were right to be.
Not only is your castle in ruins and being squatted in by a wizard, but your new realm is under attack by a misandrist goddess! Her Roots of Corruption spread across the realm, turning flora, fauna, and women into horny monster girls and men into their slaves.
Your only hope to reclaim your realm is to find these roots and seal them, and become the Monster Girl Lord.
Your castle grows with the addition of Tauria, priestess of the goddess of knowledge, but you cannot dally with your growing harem for long. For now you must venture into Endimon’s Woods and free it from the dark goddess. But Setaria’s roots go deep here, and not even other gods are immune. You must navigate the forest, dodging wolf-girls in heat, lonely witches, and eager fauns looking for a new god. Then, you must battle your way into the hive of the Beembos, face their queen, and free the forest from Setaria’s grasp.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 26th January 2023. Thanks to WetPlasma)

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