Download MongoDB Recipes: With Data Modeling by Subhashini Chellappan (.PDF)

MongoDB Recipes: With Data Modeling and Query Building Strategies by Subhashini Chellappan, Dharanitharan Ganesan
Requirements: .PDF reader, 5 mb
Overview: Extensive coverage of MongoDB’s query language including how to query various data structures stored within documents

Get the most out of MongoDB using a problem-solution approach. This book starts with recipes on the MongoDB query language, including how to query various data structures stored within documents. These self-contained code examples allow you to solve your MongoDB problems without fuss.

MongoDB Recipes describes how to use advanced querying in MongoDB, such as indexing and the aggregation framework. It demonstrates how to use the Compass function, a GUI client interacting with MongoDB, and how to apply data modeling to your MongoDB application. You’ll see recipes on the latest features of MongoDB 4 allowing you to manage data in an efficient manner using MongoDB.

What You Will Learn

• Work with the MongoDB document model

• Design MongoDB schemas

• Use the MongoDB query language

• Harness the aggregation framework

• Create replica sets and sharding in MongoDB
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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