Download Mind-Body Medicine & Healthology by Jason Liu (.M4B)

Mind-Body Medicine & Healthology: Mind-Body-Spirit Science & Practice by Dr. Jason Liu MD/PhD
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 579.7 MB
Overview: Initialed thousands of years ago, developed throughout the entire history of human civilization, with its origins from the higher divine teaching, original profound medicine, and long history of mind-body-spirit practice, Mind-Body Medicine and Healthology (MBM) is one of the most rapidly advancing and widely used effective healthcare approaches today. It is also one of the most mystifying fields. This book demystifies this profound science and gives you the tools to maximize its wide spectrum of applications.

The audiobook was authored and energized by mind-body medicine professor and energy medicine practitioner, Dr. Jason Liu, MD/PhD (, and narrated by Lisa Valdini, an experienced actress in TV, stage, and voiceover. People from all walks of life can listen to this book as a healing and self-healing book or a healthcare guidebook.

Written in his deeply meditated state with wonderful energy, love, and his sincere intention and goal of helping people improve their health, wellness, personal growth, life quality, longevity, and establish a natural health lifestyle, and additionally to help open-minded scientists establish a new life science for mental, physical, and spiritual health, beauty, happiness, and long living.

Covered the most important teachings, histories, theories, principles, concepts, ideas, techniques, and healing secrets of MBM, and introduced creative models, hypotheses, methods, research, and experiments.

The book teaches energy checkup methods and healing techniques, such as meditation, conscious and subconscious concentration practice, love and family relationship healing, spiritual cultivation, psychological healing, healthy living lifestyle, brainwave meridian therapy, stress management, daily efficiency energy practice, modern diseases (e.g. cancers, depression, anxiety, stress, etc.), healing, prevention, and healthcare. Many inspiring healing stories are included are included.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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