Download Million Dollar Stylist by Marquetta Breslin (.ePUB)

Million Dollar Stylist: The Hair Stylist’s Roadmap to Financial Freedom, Building the Business of Your Dreams, and Doing What You Love! by Marquetta Breslin
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 264 KB
Overview: Marquetta Breslin teaches hair stylists and beauty professionals from around the world how to build
a successful business, gain the freedom they deserve, and live life on their own terms.
Million Dollar Stylist® is about taking your skills and love for doing hair and creating a future you
never thought possible. It’s about enjoying a level of freedom you’ve never experienced before.
It’s not a concept or a get-rich-quick strategy. It’s about developing a completely new mindset and
a brand new way to approach being a hair stylist. This book will change the way you attract clients,
the way you think about your career, and the way you go about being a stylist for the rest of your
Gone are the days of constantly chasing new clients and relying on a single stream of income from
standing behind the chair for hours on end. You were made to create and do more! Million Dollar
Stylist® teaches you a new way to look at being a stylist. It shows you that doing hair is just one
way to create income and freedom for yourself.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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