Download Merman Kisses and Starving Incubi by Morgan Lysand (.ePUB)

Merman Kisses and Starving Incubi (Sweet Supernaturals #1) by Morgan Lysand
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: Felix is a miserable incubus, but he does his best to hide his misery. For the most part. Adopted and rejected by strict Catholics, Felix is ashamed of his body’s needs. Work isn’t much better. He’s a star litigator at his law firm, but hates every second. Oh, and he’s in love with his best friend Chris, who happens to be a fellow attorney, his roomie, and a sexy as sin freshwater merman.

After Truth or Dare on Halloween loosens their lips in more ways than one, Felix pumps the breaks and challenges them both to a bet. No release for a month, or the loser moves out. Chris agrees with a counterproposal. Felix has to come to terms with being an incubus, otherwise he loses Chris.

Chris’s life is pretty peachy. His estate planning clients are great… mostly. He sees Felix every day and has the family lake to look forward to every Saturday. But as Felix investigates being an incubus, a few things of his own mer nature come to light, changing his perspective on his family.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM, Paranormal


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