Download Mating Two Dragons by Ariel Marie (.ePUB)

Mating Two Dragons by Ariel Marie (The Dragon Curse Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 139 KB
Overview: Dragons must bond with their fated mates or risk the Dragon Curse…

The talons of the Dragon Curse are upon three dragon shifters who have scoured the Earth’s surface in search of their fated mates. Each dragon longs to find the other two-thirds of their heart. Only in a triad will a dragon shifter feel complete.

Serni, Raven, and Colton are desperate to find their mates because they know without a mate, their dragons will succumb to the Dragon Curse. It becomes a race against time for them to find each other.

Fate steps in at the Mating Ball, an event where shifters can come to seek out their mates. After centuries of failed searches, it looks like the dragons may have a chance after all. But will they find each other and complete their triad before the Dragon Curse claims them?
Genre: Erotic Romance


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