Download Marketing that Moves People by Shelley Zavitz (.ePUB)+

Marketing that Moves People: How real estate agents can build a brand, find fans, land leads, and communicate convincingly by Shelley Zavitz
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 1.9 MB
Overview: It’s time to find your marketing rhythm!

Most real estate agents struggle with marketing. After all, we sell homes. There’s no reason selling our services should come naturally.

Shortcuts won’t cut it: purchased leads often lead to random results. Meanwhile, gimmicks get old, and shouting about success turns out to be one of the least successful things you can do.

But there is a way to build a loyal, passionate, and constantly growing group of clients who can be the basis of a flourishing real estate business in any market.

You will even see high-quality leads brought to you – for free.

The secret lies in an authentic, empathic, and creative approach that any real estate agent can adopt and get results with. It’s based on proven marketing and copywriting principles that have stood the test of time. And it’s an enjoyable and engaging process that will not only set you apart from your competitors but make you a better Realtor® in the process.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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