Download Malta’s Guns by Sam Barone (.ePUB)

Malta’s Guns by Sam Barone
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 751 KB
Overview: Born in Venice, Antonio Pesaro has lived in London all his life, mastering the art of cannon making. Now he finds himself traveling across Europe to Venice, to exchange military secrets with the Venetian Guild. Venice, full of intrigue and quiet murders, is a dangerous place, especially for Antonio, who learns that his real parents were murdered by Lady Masina, wife of a powerful Venetian noble. But war is coming to the Mediterranean, and the mighty Ottoman Empire has decided to crush the Knights of St. John and capture their stronghold on Malta. A vast fleet and powerful army are on the move to the island. Antonio finds himself assisting the Master Gunners at Venice’s Arsenal, who are providing cannons and arms to the Knights of St. John for the coming siege. He soon clashes with the haughty Venetians, who place him on a galley bound for Malta. His friend killed, Antonio is left for dead on Malta. Before he can return to Venice, the Ottoman fleet arrives and Antonio finds himself trapped on the Island. The defenders perceive that his skills will prove invaluable to the Knights of St. John. Now Antonio must survive the most dangerous and brutal siege in history. Surrounded by death and slaughter, he becomes one of the Knights’ key gunners, directing the cannons that keep the Turks at bay. If he survives, he plans to return to Venice and seek revenge on the man who murdered his friend.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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